Haiku Poetry Books

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Haiku Poetry Books

Haiku poetry is an ancient form of Japanese art, creating beautiful poems by use of a 5-7-5 syllabus per line pattern.

Judi T. Dudley has 2 books of haiku poetry available on Amazon. Please follow the following links to purchase a copy:

575 Street: Haikus Are Hard

Step into a small space in my arena, where I explore the situations around me using the beautiful Art style of Haiku.
As I created these pieces more was birthed through me than what I had expected. I was able to share special insight and newly developed revelation for others who are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to enter the arena of their giftings, while mentally combating the discouraging and opinionated voices of bystanders.
More than just a little book of Haikus, this book will inspire a spirit of victory in the waiting place. Perhaps you are one of a certain few who's life will be transformed by sharing a few moments in my arena.

Purchase 575 Street: Haikus Are Hard now on Amazon

When I CallOn His Name: Haikus For Worship

A collection of 49 Haikus, each one based on a name or attribute of God, designed to help the reader better understand the name or attribute and therefore better understand God. This book of Haiku poems can be read daily as a way of keeping God in the forefront of your mind. It can be used as an annual guide, selecting one name or attribute to focus on for an entire week, as you delve deeper in and discover what promises are held inside that name for you. Great to add to your collection and excellent for gifting to family and friends.

Purchase When I Call On His Name: Haikus For Worship now on Amazon

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